Color tray design, inspired by mineral cellular patterns.
This unique project was done for Swedish Art material brand, Arrtech. We designed new watercolor products specifically for art students. In this project we deliberately, ignored what was considered to be industry standard and tried to re-imagine the watercolor design based on the target group’s taste and behavior.
In order to add more value and functionality to the product we designed the watercolor lead as a detachable color pallet that can be easily detached and washed.
The best colors in the world are made from minerals extracted from earth. Examined closely under the microscope, they reveal very interesting crystallized cellular patterns. We were fascinated by their beauty and got inspired by their exotic shapes. So we designed the watercolor’s lead/color pallet, inspired by the exotic cellular patterns of minerals that would eventually be used in creating the color pills for the watercolors.
The watercolor’s trays design, mirrors the same pattern of the lead. There are twelve color pills inside each tray, and they have a click and attach mechanism in order to easily extend the base level twelve color product into twenty four, thirty six, and forty eight color variations.
We designed the color pills as a separate stand alone piece. Each color pill is easily detachable and can be replaced by a new one. Arttech sells the color pills separately or in bundles in their own packages. So if a student runs out of a certain color, he or she will be able to purchase a new color pill with that specific color, and there is no need to buy a new set. This smart feature gives a huge advantage to this product in comparison to it’s competition.
P1 is a high end limited edition pen, each pen is machined out of a block of Aluminum.